Wagram Protection is a French private security company specializing in executive protection operations. Its industry NAF code is 8010Z (private security activities). Its license number delivered by the National Council for Private Security Activities (in French: CNAPS) is AUT-075-2116-06-01-20170603830.

As mentioned in Article L.612-14 of the French Internal Security Code: the authorization to exercise does not confer any prerogative of public power on the company or the persons who benefit from it.


Website publisher:
SASU Wagram Protection
Registry of companies (France): RCS 828 271 692 Nanterre
Share capital: 5 000 Euros
Address: 16 place de l’iris, 92400 Courbevoie, France
Phone: +331 85 65 81 87
Publishing director: Thomas Rossi

Website hoster:
Ex2 Inc.
Registry of companies (Canada): NEQ 1168486467 
Address: 309 rue des Épervières, Saguenay, G7G 0A6, Canada


Except where expressly stated to the contrary, all intellectual property rights in the text, graphics, information, motifs, logos, designs, databases and know-how contained in this website including the domain names, organisation and layout of this website and the software used in relation to this website are owned by Wagram Protection or its licensors.

No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, uploaded, distorted, transmitted or distributed in any manner or in any medium, in part or in whole, without the prior written consent of Wagram Protection. Only copying for private usage is permitted for personal, private and non-commercial use, on personal computer or through sharing tools offered on this website.

Any unauthorized use may constitute, but is not limited to, copyright infringement or any other applicable violation.


The information and data available on this website are provided for information purposes only.

Although all the steps have been taken to ensure the reliability of the information contained on this website, Wagram Protection assumes no responsibility for the possible inaccuracy or imprecision of the information provided on this website. Any use of the said information and data is solely at the visitor’s risk.

Under no circumstances may Wagram Protection be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect, that may result from access to this website or its use.


This website may contain external links giving access to other websites edited and managed by third parties and not by Wagram Protection.

Wagram Protection cannot be held responsible directly or indirectly in the event that said third party websites do not comply with legal provisions.

The creation of external links to this website can only be done with the prior written consent of Wagram Protection.